Bean Market

Husband and wife Tongsee Xiong and Xai Lor are the owners of Bean Market Farm in the Rosemont area in Minnesota. Raised in a farming community in Laos, they immigrated to the United States in 1971. In 1996, they began their own family farm. The family grows a variety of seasonal produce including crops like asparagus, squash blossoms, peanuts and strawberries using time-tested traditional methods on their farm south of the Twin Cities. Tongsee and Xai are committed to the health of the land and the community and never use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.
In addition to fruits and vegetables, Bean Market is widely known for selling beautiful heirloom dried beans at the Mill City Farmers Market all year long. Even in the heart of winter when their fields are covered in snow, Tongsee and Xai bring a gorgeous variety of colorful speckled dry beans and other winter storage crops to the Mill City Farmers Market’s indoor winter markets.